$250/ Non-Member
$250/ Non-Member

College Essay Online Workshop
(for 11th and 12th grade high school students)
3일간의 인텐시브 과정을 통해, 나만의 스토리가 담길 수 있는 에세이 주제를 정하고 글쓰기의 실타래를 풀어갈 수 있도록 도와드립니다.
This intense 3 day writing workshop will allow you to express your hidden and unique story.
Learn how to write your story. Let college admission officers read something new for a change.
지원자들이 생각하는 에세이와 대학측에서 보고싶어하는 에세이에는 큰 차이가 있습니다.
그 차이를 설명해주고, 3일 과정동안, 학생 각자의 스토리가 담길 수 있는 주제를 찾도록 가이드하고, 나만의 경험과 관심을 바탕으로 글쓰기의 실타래를 풀어드립니다.
Session 1
- Who are admissions officers and what are they looking for?
- What makes an “outstanding” college essay?
- What are the pillars of strong narrative and authentic voice?
- In-session exercises to brainstorm and outline your essay, so you can leave to start your first draft.
Session 2
- Share your first draft with the group and get collective feedback. What elements do we find? What’s next for this essay?
- Start your second draft.
- Learn to elevate story with scene, dialogue and sensory language, deepen impact with personal reflection and driving questions, and grab attention with active rather than passive voice.
Session 3
- Share your third draft with the group and get collective feedback.
- Hone in on the wisdom and emotion in your story that make readers connect.
- Leave with an essay ready to submit or close to it.
Instructor: Ken Cain (JaTek Founder, Harvard-Law Grad)