InstructorSungho Choi
Time매주 수요일 & 금요일:
3:30pm - 5:00pm
PlaceArt Room 2(F)

Message from the Instructor
미술에 흥미가 있거나 재능이 있는 학생들을 위한 반. 연필 드로잉을 통해 구도, 사물의 형태, 명암표현 등, 기초단계를 배우고 목탄 드로잉, 파스텔화, 수채화, 유화, 조소에 이르기까지 여러 표현기법과 재료사용법을 익히게 된다. 소정기간의 훈련 후 각종 미술대회 참가 및 전시기회도 주어진다.

I started this class in September 2016 and before this class, I haven’t taken any other classes. Since I was really interested in art, one day my mom recommend me this class. Now I really like this class. I was bad at making shadows but now it has been improved. Then I learned charcoal, pastels, and now I just finished watercolor painting. This class gives me so much fun by providing wide variety of material that I can basically draw many different style of paintings I want to draw. Sometimes, I could work on art projects for school or a gift my family members. Later, maybe I can participate in art competition.
– Sidney Chung –

Before I met my art teacher in 2nd grade, I wasn’t interested in art. But after 1 years with him, I became more interested and better. My drawing skills got better and I learned how to make things out of clay. In his classes, I learned how to draw 3D and to put shadows to make it more realistic. Every time, I have a chance to draw, I take out my pencil and draw the object nearby.
– Chang Yoon Kim –

문의 : 201-541-1200 ext.111,126

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