서미라 개인전_Trace of Presence and Absence

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서미라 개인전_Trace of Presence and Absence

March 1, 2022 @ 9:00 am - March 24, 2022 @ 5:00 pm

이번 전시는 눈에 보이는 현존과 보이지 않아서 부재한 것으로 생각되는 것 사이에서 흔적들을 손 수작업으로 보여주었다.

김정호의 지도는 현존이며 부재이고 작가는 그 사이에 자신를 찾는 여정에 들어선 것이다.

독립큐레이터 현수정

This exhibition shows the traces between the visible presence and the absence by her tough but unstoppable embroidery work. Kim Jeongho’s map is present on her works but is also absent. The artist entered the journey of finding oneself between them.

Soojung Hyun Ph.D. (Independent curator)

서미라는 광주에서 태어나 전남대학교 예술대학 및 대학원을 졸업했다.

2011년 광주신세계미술제 대상, 2013년 오지호미술상특별상 수상, 2014년 광주시립미술관 중국북경레지던시에 참여, 2017년 미국 뉴욕 ‘비영리 예술인 후원단체’의 “예술과 일터의 협업”프로그램으로 맨하탄 ‘뱅크 오브 홉’에서 초대전을 했고, 2018년 뉴저지의 ‘리버사이드갤러리’에서 개인전을 하였다.

Mira Seo was born in Gwangju City, Korea and received her MFA from Cheonnam National University. She has maintained her practices as a painter.

She received the Grand Prize of the 13th Shinsegae Art Award in 2011 and received the 12th Oh Jiho Art Award in 2013. She was recently invited by “AHL foundation’s program: Art in the Workplace” in collaboration with Bank of Hope in New York(2018). She was selected for the Beijing Art Residency organized by the Gwangju Museum of Art. Seo exhibits her work regularly in Gwangju, Seoul, Beijing, and New York.

몇 년 전에 돌아가신 이모가 처녀 적에 길쌈하신 생모시 한필을 주셨었다. 귀하게 여기고 보관하다 잠시 잊고 있었는데 다락에 비가 새었던모양이다. 한쪽이 습기에 삭아 있었다. 속상하고 안타까운 마음에 삭았지만 이걸로 의미 있는 작업을 해보고 싶었다. 자꾸 들여다보니 너덜너덜해진 가장자리가 우리나라 옛 지도의 윤곽선이 떠올랐다. 그 헤어진 천위에 바늘로 드로잉을 시작했다.

2018~2019년에 ‘대동여지도 – 결’ 작품은 이렇게 시작하였다. 그림이 아닌 바느질이라 제작시간이 무척 더디지만 한 땀 한 땀이 실핏줄처럼 연결되어 만나서 산맥이 되고 강줄기가 되가는 동안 거대한 생명체로 호흡하며 제작하였다. 대동여지도가 제작된 시대에는 수많은 사람들이 발품을 팔아 헤매다 상상을 현실로 확인하던 작업이 지도가 되었다. 내 작업에는 그러한 상상을 담아 현실이 되고자 하는 무수히 많은 열망들이 가득하다.

My aunt, who passed away several years ago, gave me an unbleached ramie fabric, which was woven by her in her maidenhood. I regarded this fabric as a precious gift, and so have kept it in the attic safe and sound. Years passed, and the gift was forgotten for a while, until I noticed that rain had leaked in the attic.

As a result, a part of the fabric became rotten and spoiled due to humidity.

Although I felt frustrated and regrettable, I wanted to do some meaningful artworks with it.

After constantly looking at the fabric, its tattered edge flashed outlines of my country’s old map into my head.

I started drawing on the frayed fabric with a needle.

My artwork named “Daedongyeojido – Tremendous Layers”, made during the period of 2018-2019, has been initially created like this.

In comparison to paintings, this needlework consumed a long time and effort to create. In spite of it all, each needlework was created resembling a line of capillary vessels in connection with other lines that formed a mountain range, became a river, and grew into a gigantic living creature.

Long ago, during the historic period when the country’s old map, Daedongyeojido, was made, a numerous number of people had to go from one place to another on foot, in an effort to connect and confirm their imaginations with reality, that later resulted into the map.

Likewise, my artworks are full of countless aspirations of wanting to bring out imagina

Curator: Grace Yeonsook ji, gallery@kccus.org
C. 917-974-8732


March 1, 2022 @ 9:00 am
March 24, 2022 @ 5:00 pm
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KCC Gallery
201-541-1200 ext.111
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Korean Community Center
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