

Our programs would not be possible without the generous support from our Members and Friends. Membership offers to adult 19 years of age or older. The membership term is one year, beginning on the date of registration/renewal.Members help the KCC to sustain its valuable programs and services. Members are offered point(s). There is individual Member & Family Member.
Please refer to our benefit section below for details.

19세이상의 성인에게 적용되며 등록일부터 1년동안 유효합니다. 가족회원은 부부와 18세이하의 자녀를 포함하며 후원자들에게는 가족회원권을 드립니다. 매년 회원권을 갱신함으로 포인트를 적립하여 프로그램에 할인과 우선을 받습니다. 유효기간을 지켜서 갱신하시는 분은 보너스 1 포인트를 드리고 Member는 만기일부터 3개월이 지나면 적립한 포인트를 잃고 Donor는 후원일부터 3년이 지나면 적립한 포인트를 잃습니다.

Member Type
Membership Type A Individual (개인) B Family (가족)
Annual Membership Fee
$120 per year $150 per year (Spouse & Children under 18)
1 point + 1 point bonus on renewal 1 point + 1 point bonus on renewal
Earn more points
Being Volunteer : Earn 1 point for every 12 days
(Max. 4 points per yr)
Being Volunteer : Earn 1 point for every 12 days
(Max. 4 points per yr)
Join A Member Join B Member

현장 수업 중단 기간만큼  KCC 회원들의  회권 기간을 연장해 드리기로 휴관 안내문에 공지하였으므로,  2020 3 16 이전에 KCC 회원가입을  분들의 경우 자동으로 4개월 연회원 기간을 연장해 드리겠습니다.  다만예상치 않게 팬데믹 사태가 길어지고 휴관 기간이 길어지면서센터 운영 기금모금에 어려움을 겪고 있는 연회원 기간을 도네이션  주실  있으시면 KCC에  도움이 됩니다. 연회원 기간을 도네이션 해 주실 회원은 아래를 클릭해 주십시오.

“연회원 기간을 연장하지 않아도 됩니다”

*There’s no refund for the Membership Fee.

  1. 프리미엄 건강검진 서비스
    KCC 회원 및 신규 회원들께 1년에 한번 혈액검사 및 (일반, 당뇨, 빈혈, 갑상선 검사) 다양한 전문의들과의 (일반내과, 정신과, 위장내과, 통증과 등) 의료 상담을 제공합니다.
  2. Earn credit point(s)
    1 point + 1 Point bonus on renewal (points are discount accumulated automatically ay the time of renewal)
  3. Able to take classes and receive discount according to earned credit points
    Points Discount
    2-10 points 10% off
    11-20 points 15% off
    21-30 points 20% off
    31-40 points 25% off
    41-50 points 30% off
    51-60 points 35% off
    61-70 points 40% off
    71-80 points 45% off
    81 and over 50% off
  4. Children under 18 years of are included in Family Membership.
  5. Able to participate in the KCC programs & events
  6. Able to apply for Young People’s Network
  7. Partnership with CGI Holistic Fitness&Spa (Click Here for more Information)

Questions regarding Members should be directed at or (201) 541-1200.ext 111,112